Tuesday, July 19, 2005

From one extreme to the next

And Pereiro takes first in today's leg of the Tour de France 2005!


Oscar Pereiro Sio, from Spain - Felicitaciones! It was an awesome race today... and the look on his face when crossing the finish line - unforgettable. I was watching the Tour de France on ESPN a lil while ago... I feel so good, it makes me want to break my internment, and rise up from the ashes. My heart has been quite the prisoner. Unbreakable evermore - still, it beats.

I had a bad day at work. Yeah a really bad day. Looking for a second part time job anyway. Whatever. Done trying with that one. I will find happiness in another place, or even just to make a little side money, so I can get a car, to go places. Because my refrigerator is practically empty - except for a 1/4 of a watermelon, a few bottles of water, and some condiments... Mmm... wonder what I could make tonight.

Thunderstorming today, lightning so bright... I would stand at the top of the mountain, and give myself away, to feel alive for even just a moment.

I am going to go for a run for a few hours, friends. Fly away for a bit, And hopefully find something useful to me today... Alot of beautifulness in my life today was wasted away by the wrong kind of people, and I feel I have to go make up for it... Gotta do something - that makes up for it...I feel so dirty, with all my energy and my mind, having been wasted... I am not one to abide by uselessness; its not the thing for me, anyway.

I'll be back later. Love, Sephira

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

something I want to remember

Come to think of it....Loving someone... is hanging your sanity on a thread. You may try to find any logical reason... But you couldn't... But when people asked; why are you insanely hanging your sanity on a thread?... You know one answer... It's because loving someone... is the only sanity that framed your insanity...Why?... because it's not who?, why?, when?, what?, where?.... it's only "how"...How do you love?...


If loving you... was merely touching your soul and leaving finger prints all over it...Then... crime... might become the new notion for love...


-------both written by my amazing friend, Yani.