Tuesday, July 19, 2005

From one extreme to the next

And Pereiro takes first in today's leg of the Tour de France 2005!


Oscar Pereiro Sio, from Spain - Felicitaciones! It was an awesome race today... and the look on his face when crossing the finish line - unforgettable. I was watching the Tour de France on ESPN a lil while ago... I feel so good, it makes me want to break my internment, and rise up from the ashes. My heart has been quite the prisoner. Unbreakable evermore - still, it beats.

I had a bad day at work. Yeah a really bad day. Looking for a second part time job anyway. Whatever. Done trying with that one. I will find happiness in another place, or even just to make a little side money, so I can get a car, to go places. Because my refrigerator is practically empty - except for a 1/4 of a watermelon, a few bottles of water, and some condiments... Mmm... wonder what I could make tonight.

Thunderstorming today, lightning so bright... I would stand at the top of the mountain, and give myself away, to feel alive for even just a moment.

I am going to go for a run for a few hours, friends. Fly away for a bit, And hopefully find something useful to me today... Alot of beautifulness in my life today was wasted away by the wrong kind of people, and I feel I have to go make up for it... Gotta do something - that makes up for it...I feel so dirty, with all my energy and my mind, having been wasted... I am not one to abide by uselessness; its not the thing for me, anyway.

I'll be back later. Love, Sephira


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