sorry for having been away so long friends. I missed you all very much. Just been busy at work lately, been very tired, and busy dealing with everything and everyone around me.
I am wondering how my friends Yani and Kiwi are doing. How are things going over in Indonesia, I hope the condition is getting better. It is one of those occurances that I would never forget. I hope you are still safe, my friend. And kiwi, well I know he works alot, hope things are going well for him when he has moved...
I didn't forget Tim, nor anyone else out there... hi everybody! : )
I have started reading a new book...It is called,
The Secret Life of Bees. I am about 80 pages into it. So far it is okay... I know one of my friends has read it. Vern, I believe. That is why I remembered seeing it somewhere and felt the need to pick it up, and read - just to find myself a connection to him, because although he is my friend, I don't know alot alot about him. And it has been a while since I have heard from him, but then, he is not one to post comments alot. Ah, well. But I felt it would be nice, should we have this in common. Plus, I need to get back to reading more books...I can feel the deprivation sinking in... I miss books, and reading.

I am still working on planning my trip around to places in the United States. I promise to take lots of pictures and show them when the time comes. I am still working on getting more photos posted here, period. (time consuming) I hope I don't get too lost when I am driving around, although I probably will... ugh. That will be scary as well as exciting for me.
I want to post more, but I am not sure what else to put at the moment, I will try to upload more photos instead. See you all in a bit. Love, Sephira