Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays Everyone... love yaz...

Hope everyone has a safe and happy time with friends or family, anyone who means alot to you... Best Wishes for the new year also... Love, Miss Sephira

My friend Chuck has written this to me also...

The Night Before Christmas

It was the night before Christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. The crackling flames of the fire lit passion throughout, your heart sinks as your eyes move towards the nicely decorated Christmas tree with a few gifts unopened. But your thoughts are with the one person who could make this Christmas glow, that very special person. Your eyes tear up as the emptiness consumes you. Even the warmth of the fire is cold inside your heart. You lull yourself to sleep as the embers leap passions deep within you. Just as you finally are asleep, a knock on the door startles you. Who could that be, you say silently to yourself as you move quietly to the door and peek out the peek hole. What you see, you cannot believe as you unlock the door and quickly focus on the image in front of you. You burst out crying with joy as you jump into his arms forever.


Blogger yani patrik said...

Merry christmast to you dear... U have a nice holiday okay?!... many hugs and love from Indonesia !!

I was unable to greet u earlier due to some silly things that happen to me... And thanks for ur x'mas greeting :)

3:51 PM  

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